I don't need to spend countless characters explaining the potential power of Twitter from a business perspective. It's quite obvious isn't it? Networking, content, leads, the list can go on and on. In fact, we're working on a potential real estate investment project with another member of Twitter. Until Twitter, we never knew each other (more to come in future posts). Priceless marketing and lead generation for merely the cost of your time and efforts.
As with other social networking platforms such as Facebook or MySpace, more of our personalities actually come to life through our online virtual presence with these sites. With Twitter, these characteristic seem to be exemplified through the bite-sized conversational guidelines in which we are confined.
What's intriguing to me is that I actually feel like I'm getting to know people. Believe me, I know this is merely a glimpse but it's a good glimpse. We have an opportunity to see what people look like, get to read about their changing moods, where they're eating, what they're eating, where they're going, with whom they're interacting with, how they interact, their likes, dislikes, whether they're night owls, early risers, or both .... you name it, crudely speaking, we can actually begin to formulate a reasonable feel for what these people would be like in real life. Couple this with the nuggets of content that these individuals throw out from time to time, whether it be a news event or merely a topic of their interest or perhaps it's an article or video they're sharing on their blog or a TwitPic of where they're at or that of their children or that of a sunset or perhaps themselves, etc. Through my run-ons, I think you get the point.
Adding to the fascination, some people seem to change their picture daily. Some vacillate between avatars and actual pictures. Some people are festive and adorn themselves with holiday attire while others refuse to visibly partake in the holiday dress up. You have trend setters changing early into their costumes while you have procrastinators just now making the change.
Plug all of these detailed pieces of the puzzle together and you begin to get real perspective. Ultimately, video will bridge this online virtual divide by portraying us for who we are. It won't be exact as there will always be actors, but closer. Until then, Twitter's enabling us to get a much improved view and this view, in my opinion, is one of the more captivating attributes that keep us obsessively coming back for more. Now, we're actually putting a face to the name and 24-hour emotions behind our words. Real life unfolding 140 characters at a time. We may have never met but were certainly getting to know each other in a real way.
Showing posts with label twitter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label twitter. Show all posts
Dec 17, 2008
Nov 20, 2008
What`s Twitter`s Viability?
Twitter, Tweet, Tweet! Yes, we're all definitely having fun micro blogging. As with most things in life, the dust will settle and reality will set in. When it does, what will have become of Twitter?
In a previous post (What`s Your Purpose Here Anyway?), we addressed the purpose of Twitter and why, from a business perspective, we should be using the tool. Knowing our purpose, the next question becomes Twitter's viability.
Will Twitter simply be that fun social networking tool that drives you to let everyone know that you're sitting down at a Starbucks with a brimming hot double cappuccino or will it really continue to evolve into something much bigger than that?
Does Twitter have the potential to become that multifaceted, lead generating, social networking tool that ultimately we will all use as seamlessly as keyboards translating our thoughts onto computer screens?
Is it going to be that routine, that powerful, that necessary?
In a previous post (What`s Your Purpose Here Anyway?), we addressed the purpose of Twitter and why, from a business perspective, we should be using the tool. Knowing our purpose, the next question becomes Twitter's viability.
Will Twitter simply be that fun social networking tool that drives you to let everyone know that you're sitting down at a Starbucks with a brimming hot double cappuccino or will it really continue to evolve into something much bigger than that?
Does Twitter have the potential to become that multifaceted, lead generating, social networking tool that ultimately we will all use as seamlessly as keyboards translating our thoughts onto computer screens?
Is it going to be that routine, that powerful, that necessary?
Nov 19, 2008
What Social Networking Websites are You Using?
If you're a Real Estate Professional and you're reading these words odds are you have some interest in the social networking buzz. For some, the question is as simple as what is social networking? For others, the question becomes how do I use these social networking sites to promote and increase my business?
If you don't have the foggiest clue as to what social networking is, we would urge you to become a member of the Active Rain community (120k plus Real Estate professional members and growing). Your social networking questions will be quickly answered, your haze will fall mercy to clarity, and you will quickly develop a much needed appetite for more.
Currently, our top three social networking websites of choice are Twitter, Active Rain, and MyBlogLog. Our reasoning is simple. Gobs of information (the latest and greatest), the ability to target a captive audience, and unlimited opportunities to promote and brand our message.
What social networking sites are you using and why?
If you don't have the foggiest clue as to what social networking is, we would urge you to become a member of the Active Rain community (120k plus Real Estate professional members and growing). Your social networking questions will be quickly answered, your haze will fall mercy to clarity, and you will quickly develop a much needed appetite for more.
Currently, our top three social networking websites of choice are Twitter, Active Rain, and MyBlogLog. Our reasoning is simple. Gobs of information (the latest and greatest), the ability to target a captive audience, and unlimited opportunities to promote and brand our message.
What social networking sites are you using and why?
Nov 17, 2008
Are You on Twitter?
If you're on Twitter, drop us a comment leaving your profile page in our "comments" section in order for us to follow you. We will be compiling this list and re-posting your addresses to share with other like-minded social networking twittering professionals.
Do us all a favor, Tweet the message along (copy below):
The Realty Buzz Twitter list for RE Professionals. Comment on blog to join - http://tinyurl.com/6kk4m3
Follow the Real Estate professional Twitter list (updates continue, last updated @ 1:45AM PST 8/31/2010):
Disclaimer: By no means is this an original post! We're not trying to make it out to be nor attempting to steal credit for being the original real estate tech heads to come up with this idea. With that being said, we're copycatting those who've already done this because it's a great idea and yet another way to network for that next business lead!
If you're reading this post it's most likely because you're interested in Real Estate and the future of this business using these social networking platforms to help us forge our futures.
There's no better time than now to get started!
Do us all a favor, Tweet the message along (copy below):
The Realty Buzz Twitter list for RE Professionals. Comment on blog to join - http://tinyurl.com/6kk4m3
Follow the Real Estate professional Twitter list (updates continue, last updated @ 1:45AM PST 8/31/2010):
- Thesa Chambers - http://www.twitter.com/thesachambers
- Property Qwest - http://www.twitter.com/PropertyQwest
- Joel McDonald - http://www.twitter.com/joelrunner
- Derek Forrest - http://www.twitter.com/derekForrest
- Marianne Snygg - http://www.twitter.com/mcsnygg
- Susie Blackmon - http://www.twitter.com/susieblackmon
- Patrick Riddle - http://www.twitter.com/PatrickRiddle
- Craig Ernst - http://www.twitter.com/CraigErnst
- Malisia Wilkins - http://www.twitter.com/malisia
- Stuart Miner - http://www.twitter.com/StuartMiner
- CWaterhouse - http://www.twitter.com/cwaterhouse
- Josef Katz - http://www.twitter.com/directmaestro
- mycmps - http://www.twitter.com/myCMPS
- Shannon Lefevre - http://www.twitter.com/NaplesSmartGirl
- Lu - http://www.twitter.com/ludoan
- Chris/Stephanie Somers - http://www.twitter.com/thesomersteam
- Jim Whatley - http://www.twitter.com/whatley
- Paula Henry - http://www.twitter.com/IndyAgent
- Susan Milner - http://www.twitter.com/floridafuture
- Erin Chappelle - http://www.twitter.com/erinatkw
- Jay Thompson - http://www.twitter.com/PhoenixREGuy
- Bill - http://www.twitter.com/resherpa
- Sandy Gleason - http://www.twitter.com/Sandyrealtor
- Kevin O'Brien - http://www.twitter.com/shorerealestate
- BHGDigital - http://www.twitter.com/BHGDigital
- John Juarez - http://www.twitter.com/johnjuarez
- Debra Drummond - http://www.twitter.com/MichiganMoves
- Rita Burke - http://www.twitter.com/kennarealestate
- Steve Mattison - http://www.twitter.com/ozarksagent
- Sherry Baker - http://www.twitter.com/sherrybaker
- Jay Carden - http://www.twitter.com/cosrealtor
- Tom Royce - http://www.twitter.com/tomroyce
- John Corey - http://www.twitter.com/John_Corey
- ForeclosureIndustry.com - http://www.twitter.com/ForeclosureData
- Rhonda Duffy - http://www.twitter.com/RhondaDuffy
- Knoxville Scott! - http://www.twitter.com/scotthendrix
- Barbara Inc. - http://www.twitter.com/barbarainc
- Dennis P. Fassett - http://www.twitter.com/dennisfassett
- Amy Tharrington - http://www.twitter.com/coastalgirl142
- Amy Tharrington - http://www.twitter.com/coastalgirl142
- Tina Merritt - 1 - http://www.twitter.com/tinainvirginia
- Tina Merritt - 2 - http://www.twitter.com/wolkia
- Tina Merritt - 3 - http://www.twitter.com/hrrealestate
- Tony Longo - http://www.twitter.com/CondoDomain
- Erica Farthing - http://www.twitter.com/ebounce
- John Billings - http://www.twitter.com/WebbRealEstatec
- Matt Collinge - http://www.twitter.com/604homesguy
- Rochelle Ann Allison - http://www.twitter.com/StPaulRealtor
- Tim McDonald - http://www.twitter.com/tamcdonald
- Jan Huchteman - http://www.twitter.com/JanHuchteman
- Ann Cummings - http://www.twitter.com/acummings
- Dale Chumbley - http://www.twitter.com/DaleChumbley
- Angel Giles - http://www.twitter.com/angelgiles
- Katie Minkus - http://www.twitter.com/KatieMinkus
- Pamela Williamson - http://www.twitter.com/pamelaw53
- Pam Buda - http://www.twitter.com/pambuda
- Jeff Turner - http://www.twitter.com/respres
- Dean Guadagni - http://www.twitter.com/deansguide
- Erica Muller - http://www.twitter.com/realestatefl
- Jeff Royce - http://www.twitter.com/JeffRoyce
- Mike Mueller - http://www.twitter.com/MikeMueller
- Tom Vanderwell - http://www.twitter.com/tvanderwell
- The Harriman Team - http://www.twitter.com/wharriman
- Lauren Krady - http://www.twitter.com/lkrady
- Maureen Francis - http://www.twitter.com/maureenfrancis
- Jason Sandquist - http://www.twitter.com/jasonsandquist
- Matt Wilkins - http://www.twitter.com/mattwilkins
- Craig Barrett - http://www.twitter.com/craig42k
- Barry Quine - http://www.twitter.com/barryquine
- Julian Benton - http://www.twitter.com/julianbntn
- Jennifer Egbert - http://www.twitter.com/jenniferegbert
- Leigh Ann - http://www.twitter.com/LovelyLeighAnn
- Ashley Gephart - http://www.twitter.com/ashdhart
- David Childress - http://www.twitter.com/akronohiohomes
- Mark Gordon - http://www.twitter.com/vailrealestate
- Tony Lazzari - http://www.twitter.com/TonyLazz
- Nancy Shakeshaft - Slack - http://www.twitter.com/nancyss
- Chris Shouse - http://www.twitter.com/ChrisShouse
- Drew Sygit - http://www.twitter.com/loan_survivor
- Jim Lee - http://www.twitter.com/RealtorJimLee
- REMarketingGuy - http://www.twitter.com/REMarketingGuy
- Jeff Kirby - http://www.twitter.com/KirbyRE
- Ken Cook - http://www.twitter.com/thekencook
- RealEstateRon - http://www.twitter.com/RealEstateRon
- Lee Michael Homes - http://www.twitter.com/leemichaelhomes
- Julie Broad - http://www.twitter.com/revnyou
- Emily Medvec - http://www.twitter.com/EmilyMedvec
- Jason Crouch - http://www.twitter.com/jasoncrouch
- Amy Chorew - http://www.twitter.com/amychorew
- Todd Tarson - http://www.twitter.com/ToddTarson
- Mark Madsen - http://www.twitter.com/mark_madsen
- Brent Ellis - http://www.twitter.com/Realtor_Brent
- Chris Myers - http://www.twitter.com/orlandoproperty
- Joyce Corsi Hazen - http://www.twitter.com/ChariotHome
- Samantha Lorefice - http://www.twitter.com/Sam4RE
- Joe Manausa - http://www.twitter.com/HousingReporter
- Linda Slocum - http://www.twitter.com/LindaSlocum
- Lisa Spalding - http://www.twitter.com/lspalding
- Derek Overbey - http://www.twitter.com/doverbey
- Deborah Schultz - http://www.twitter.com/djschultz
- John Whittinghill - http://www.twitter.com/ATLhomefinder
- Madeira Homes - http://www.twitter.com/MadeiraHomes
Disclaimer: By no means is this an original post! We're not trying to make it out to be nor attempting to steal credit for being the original real estate tech heads to come up with this idea. With that being said, we're copycatting those who've already done this because it's a great idea and yet another way to network for that next business lead!
If you're reading this post it's most likely because you're interested in Real Estate and the future of this business using these social networking platforms to help us forge our futures.
There's no better time than now to get started!
Nov 14, 2008
Twitter and Real Estate
Is Twitter a valid social networking tool for Real Estate professionals?
I know, Real Estate can often be a dry subject and so can its videos! Nonetheless, Real Estate professionals are using Twitter and they're going as far as having lunch parties to discuss it. These social networking arenas may seem out of place, awkward, and downright silly at times but, make no mistake about it, these sites are our marketing future:
Put aside your frustrations:
In response to your frustrations:
Don't allow the fear of the unknown to clutter your thinking. Technology is here to stay and if you want to "get a leg up" in your real estate space, you better get a crackin' or shall I say a TweetIn.
Visit our TwitterPage - http://www.twitter.com/PropertyQwest
I know, Real Estate can often be a dry subject and so can its videos! Nonetheless, Real Estate professionals are using Twitter and they're going as far as having lunch parties to discuss it. These social networking arenas may seem out of place, awkward, and downright silly at times but, make no mistake about it, these sites are our marketing future:
Put aside your frustrations:
- I don't get it!
- Do people really sit around all day and do this?
- What's the point?
- This can't help my business.
- Nobody's going to use this!
In response to your frustrations:
- Spend time using the tool. Watch other people, see how they use the tool, learn from what others are doing. As with anything, when it feels like you're hitting a brick wall, keep at it. The more you use it, the more you get it. Let me say that again, "THE MORE YOU USE IT, THE MORE YOU GET IT!"
- No, they integrate it into part of their daily routine. For example, the other day I had a business meeting that was postponed for roughly 1/2 hour. During that window, from my Blackberry, I Twittered (aka TwitterBerry). What came out of this mini Twitter session? I found another real estate investing website that offered relevant information to our business focus. In short, I learned something new.
- The point is to network! Do I really need to explain to Real Estate professionals how important networking is?
- Backwards thinking. OPEN YOUR MINDS! Technology is our future and it's happening fast. How many people had cell phones 10 years ago? How many people used that weird thing called "email" for normal day to day business operations?
- I guess if you consider millions of people throughout the world "nobody". Still in disbelief? Simply check out some of these TwitterFacts. Quite interesting and obviously powerful.
Don't allow the fear of the unknown to clutter your thinking. Technology is here to stay and if you want to "get a leg up" in your real estate space, you better get a crackin' or shall I say a TweetIn.
Visit our TwitterPage - http://www.twitter.com/PropertyQwest
Nov 13, 2008
TwitterBerry - Tweet and Much More from Your Blackberry
Caught up in the Twitter revolution? Tweet this, feed that, micro blog yourself into oblivion!
If you don't already know, you can Twitter from your Blackberry too, in style, with TwitterBerry! TwitterBerry is an "Orangatame Software" product that allows you serious Twitter tweeting capabilities from the comfort of the circumstances in which your Blackberry is the "connect me to the net" device of choice.
![The Realty Buzz - TwitterBerry](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgL9ZlLEsBZOQtyTUkIgjOq4fzuSUZVIwPwPJ1hbnN2xwN1jH-vpL2Ii5DqRDzOoe1rMQb8FN9rHleLaru8pSLQLnbzDDmihosw61Hpdn-z0-8IfaXe4FjLbPyzv-msBaPnqeSD5KRfxRo/s400/the-realty-buzz-twitterberry.jpg)
Posting your Tweets made easy:
![The Realty Buzz - Post Your Tweet](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhZUtaLozBPQXjmeiamReB8FLWYksajDI7ogNF-RApDtA4jwZpcWmIhnguHgRewC9jLI8VymX1FPImQB9BqQ0MVaGDjMvHVD0kG3VfiXp_J53xtArh6AxoAfZbi3szLwXVOWr5Iurd2OLs/s400/the-realty-buzz-twitterberry-tweet.jpg)
TwitterBerry will be happy on your new Blackberry Storm:
![The Realty Buzz - Tweet from Your New Blackberry Storm](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEicZ3lYDY8j1n21QySxMow0rW43xePl5KIxIU8kIBuqbayMaqUad5WM32PCkFryP4XXJ4joE8qtp4xwIRc57SJYaroxMlEExiVbqWGrYhkcMs0D6ZiCWHFya1Y9x_pCa67bAngGbRkhGtc/s400/the-realty-buzz-twitterberry-storm.jpg)
You can download TwitterBerry directly from your Blackberry device:
Minimum Requirements:
If you don't already know, you can Twitter from your Blackberry too, in style, with TwitterBerry! TwitterBerry is an "Orangatame Software" product that allows you serious Twitter tweeting capabilities from the comfort of the circumstances in which your Blackberry is the "connect me to the net" device of choice.
![The Realty Buzz - TwitterBerry](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgL9ZlLEsBZOQtyTUkIgjOq4fzuSUZVIwPwPJ1hbnN2xwN1jH-vpL2Ii5DqRDzOoe1rMQb8FN9rHleLaru8pSLQLnbzDDmihosw61Hpdn-z0-8IfaXe4FjLbPyzv-msBaPnqeSD5KRfxRo/s400/the-realty-buzz-twitterberry.jpg)
Posting your Tweets made easy:
![The Realty Buzz - Post Your Tweet](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhZUtaLozBPQXjmeiamReB8FLWYksajDI7ogNF-RApDtA4jwZpcWmIhnguHgRewC9jLI8VymX1FPImQB9BqQ0MVaGDjMvHVD0kG3VfiXp_J53xtArh6AxoAfZbi3szLwXVOWr5Iurd2OLs/s400/the-realty-buzz-twitterberry-tweet.jpg)
TwitterBerry will be happy on your new Blackberry Storm:
![The Realty Buzz - Tweet from Your New Blackberry Storm](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEicZ3lYDY8j1n21QySxMow0rW43xePl5KIxIU8kIBuqbayMaqUad5WM32PCkFryP4XXJ4joE8qtp4xwIRc57SJYaroxMlEExiVbqWGrYhkcMs0D6ZiCWHFya1Y9x_pCa67bAngGbRkhGtc/s400/the-realty-buzz-twitterberry-storm.jpg)
You can download TwitterBerry directly from your Blackberry device:
Minimum Requirements:
- BlackBerry OS 4.1.0+ (BlackBerry OS 4.2+ for TwitPic support)
- BlackBerry Internet Browsing Service (BIS-B or BIBS) OR a BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) OR a direct TCP data connection
- BlacKBerry Storm
- BlackBerry Bold (9000)
- BlackBerry Curve (8300, 8310, 8320, 8330) Series
- BlackBerry 8800 Series
- BlackBerry Pearl (8100, 8110, 8120, 8130, 8220, 8230) Series
- BlackBerry 8700 Series
- BlackBerry 7130 Series
- BlackBerry 7100 Series
- BlackBerry 7200 Series
- BlackBerry 7520
Nov 12, 2008
About Twitter - Do You Twitter?
Who is Twitter?
What is Twitter (as noted by Wikipedia)?
Interesting Twitter Tid Bits:
For day to day "goings on" at Twitter, check out their blog: http://blog.twitter.com/
Interested in Twitter gadgets? Check out what they have: http://blog.twitter.com/search/label/apps/label/apps
Want to search Twitter to see what people are doing? http://search.twitter.com/
The Buzz - Want to find out the most current, most popular Twitter links? Check out TwitterBuzz
The future evolution of Twitter? http://www.sociableblog.com/2008/10/28/why-twitter-needs-multimedia/
One persons "22 Reasons to Use Twitter for Business and Pleasure":
Intrigued? Find out more about the "What", "Why", "How" as noted by Twitter. Signup and start networking - http://twitter.com/
Twitter is a privately funded startup with offices in the SoMA neighborhood of San Francisco, CA. Started as a side project in March of 2006, Twitter has grown into a real-time short messaging service that works over multiple networks and devices.
In countries all around the world, people follow the sources most relevant to them and access information via Twitter as it happens—from breaking world news to updates from friends.
What is Twitter (as noted by Wikipedia)?
Updates are displayed on the user's profile page and delivered to other users who have signed up to receive them. The sender can restrict delivery to those in his or her circle of friends (delivery to everyone being the default). Users can receive updates via the Twitter website, SMS, RSS, email or through an application such as Twitterrific or Facebook. For SMS, four gateway numbers are currently available: short codes for the United States, Canada, and India, as well as a United Kingdom-based number for international use. Several third parties offer posting and receiving updates via email. Twitter had by one measure over 3 million accounts and by another, well over 5 million visitors in September 2008 which was a fivefold increase in a month.
Interesting Twitter Tid Bits:
For day to day "goings on" at Twitter, check out their blog: http://blog.twitter.com/
Interested in Twitter gadgets? Check out what they have: http://blog.twitter.com/search/label/apps/label/apps
Want to search Twitter to see what people are doing? http://search.twitter.com/
The Buzz - Want to find out the most current, most popular Twitter links? Check out TwitterBuzz
The future evolution of Twitter? http://www.sociableblog.com/2008/10/28/why-twitter-needs-multimedia/
One persons "22 Reasons to Use Twitter for Business and Pleasure":
1. Gain exposure for my blogs… and gain potential readers
2. Build my network with transparency and trust
3. Market my work, products, services, etc.
4. Answer questions/ ask questions
5. Learn new things from other industry professionals
6. Share tech tips & resources (baby blog post) & teach stuff
7. Meet and talk with others (some business/some pleasure)
8. Conference connecter (stay connected, share info, get social)
9. Seek out industry colleagues for assistance w/ special projects
10. Safety- Tweet unfamiliar meeting locations & while traveling
11. Better understand social media
1. See a new side of your friends
2. View/Share fitness tips and favorite motivational songs
3. View/Share fun pictures (of self and others, or random stuff)
4. View/Share fun links (great sites and other fun blogs)
5. View/Share local news and events
6. Exchange great recipes
7. Tweet the wacky: (ex: running the Bay to Breakers)
8. Tweet while traveling: (ex: a 24 hour Vegas trip)
9. Makes you think about your life (What am I doing?)
10. It’s just plain fun.
11. It’s free!
Intrigued? Find out more about the "What", "Why", "How" as noted by Twitter. Signup and start networking - http://twitter.com/
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