Nov 23, 2008

Qwitter - Our Moment of Shame!

Since many Real Estate professionals are just discovering and beginning to use Twitter more and more each day, we wanted to continue our obsessive theme of discussing the platform.

How many of you have noticed that every once in a while the number of followers you have seems to drop? Every now and again, this seemed to be occurring with our account too, but we were never 100% sure until ....

One day, Tweeting along, I was enlightened by a Tweeting Twitter member regarding a tool called Qwitter. Curiosity getting the best of us, we enlisted Qwitter's services. For those of you who are not yet familiar with this tool, check it out ( You now can find out who stopped following you and what Tweet sealed your fate. For the faint of heart, don't forget, ignorance can be bliss. If you tend to be a bit revengeful, stay away from this tool!The Realty Buzz - Qwitter

So, today we were having a successful day with new Twitter members adding us to their follow column. Sure enough, the Blackberry began singing it's familiar new email alert tune, and with pride, I picked up the Blackberry. I'm sure we've picked up another follower .... yep, we did. Email sender, Twitter. Wait, is that a "Q" in front of Twitter? It is, the email sender is Qwitter, not Twitter. What? Adding insult to injury, we not only lost one member, we lost two!

How can this happen? Why were we rejected? Thanks to Qwitter, we drilled down into the issue and determine that the following conversation was the culprit. This was the final dagger in assumingly, yet unknowingly, a fractured relationship.

Tweet to PropertyQwest (in regards to the operations of our real estate investment company and where we invest):

"Gotcha, that must be pretty exciting to be all over the country. Is their a lot of travel then scoping out deals?"

Our response:

"No, not a lot. We try to build teams that we can intrinsically trust. Management from afar! Definitely pros and cons."

Excuse me? Did we say something wrong? Apparently, we must have considering we lost two followers on the same comment. What gives?

To be honest, we've got no clue. However, there are some important lessons to keep in mind:
  1. Needless to say, watch what you say. There's a big audience and the word spreads quickly (good and bad)!
  2. Develop a thick skin as you may not always be able to comprehend why you've lost a follower. In fact, you may have lost a follower simply because they've discovered that they don't want to read your endless Real Estate Tweets, perhaps they like the Green Bay Packers rather than the San Francisco 49ers, or perhaps they don't want to hear that you're on your way to the gym. This list could go on and on!
  3. Take Qwitter with a grain of salt. If you pay it any mind, simply evaluate the circumstances in which you lost a follower in case unknowingly there's something that you're doing that may be causing you to lose followers. After all, these are potential business relationships that we're trying to develop and nurture. Perhaps your approach is the wrong approach. If it is, you need to know.

Again, take Qwitter with a grain of salt! Instead of developing a complex, use this tool to your advantage. But, keep in mind much of what you do with this tool will ultimately lead to guesswork, as in most circumstances it will not be evidently clear as to why you've lost a follower. If you're that heartbroken or if you find yourself developing a complex .... seek counseling!

Nov 22, 2008

Embrace the Confusion!

In between our day to day activities as Real Estate professionals, more and more of us are making time for this online social networking "stuff". Remember in the beginning, your multifaceted platform of choice was Craigslist. Come to think of it, did you really have too many other choices?

Now, the social networking tools / platforms / communities are a dime a dozen - Twitter (of course, right now no social networking article would be complete without shamelessly Tweeting a plug for Twitter), LinkedIn, Facebook, Active Rain, Inman, Plurk, MyBlogLog, FriendFeed, Tumblr, Jumpcut, Brightkite, etc., etc., etc.

To this point, some of you are saying, "yeah, I know these sites, get on with your point" while others are saying, "Tumblr, Jumpcut, Brightkite, what now, where did these guys come from?"

Agreed, this social networking thing seems to be all over the board for most Real Estate professionals. Where do I start? What do I use? Does this fit into my 80%, 20% time spent rule? I don't get it! How many of these things do I need to belong to? This is just silly.

Do any of these remarks sound familiar?

For those of you who've already resolved themselves to using these social networking platforms, new questions arise. How do I stand out in such a large crowd? What's the best use of my time? What's the right tool? Wait a minute, is this a popularity contest or am I looking for business leads?

Make no mistake about it, we're all learning as we go. Even the big boys and girls. However, there's a major difference. The big boys and girls are learning about things nobody yet knows about while the rest are learning about things the big boys and girls have already learned and are now teaching. They take the time to understand the silliness, using and evaluating tools and ideas for countless hours to learn what truly is silly and what potentially has staying power. Are these individuals smarter than you? In some instances, sure. Regardless, it doesn't really matter. The important point and their major advantage (key to success) is that they do this social networking thing for a living, which means they spend a lot of time doing!

As a Real Estate professional, do you earn a living by working an hour or two out of each day while taking countless days off in between? How many hours are you really putting into learning this new social networking environment?

We're not foolishly suggesting that success can be found by simply banging your head into a wall hour after hour with your efforts and pains producing results just because. However, you can't expect to be an expert without putting in the time, practice, and following through with relentless perseverance.

Hard work and dedication has it's rewards. We've all been there, we've all felt successes to one extent or another. This social networking thing is no different with one exception. We're on the ground floor, and this is no ordinary opportunity.

Embrace the confusion. In fact, be thankful for this confusion as you have the ability to be one of many, yet relatively speaking, amongst only a few, that will be able to reap the rewards and enjoy the benefits that this social networking medium will bring.

If you want more out of this, stop treating it like a hobby and start working at it like a job. Give this the respect it deserves, the devotion it calls for, and the effort that it's going to take to figure it out. After all, who said transforming your business was going to be easy? It'll take a lot of work, but it's got to be done.

Make your mark while the gettin's good. And, right now, the gettin's really good!

Nov 21, 2008

First Glances at the Blackberry Storm

The Blackberry Storm can now be yours. Take a peak at the 9530 ...

Useful links:

Blackberry Storm at Verizon Wireless -
Blackberry Storm at Blackberry -

Nov 20, 2008

What`s Twitter`s Viability?

Twitter, Tweet, Tweet! Yes, we're all definitely having fun micro blogging. As with most things in life, the dust will settle and reality will set in. When it does, what will have become of Twitter?

In a previous post (What`s Your Purpose Here Anyway?), we addressed the purpose of Twitter and why, from a business perspective, we should be using the tool. Knowing our purpose, the next question becomes Twitter's viability.

Will Twitter simply be that fun social networking tool that drives you to let everyone know that you're sitting down at a Starbucks with a brimming hot double cappuccino or will it really continue to evolve into something much bigger than that?

Does Twitter have the potential to become that multifaceted, lead generating, social networking tool that ultimately we will all use as seamlessly as keyboards translating our thoughts onto computer screens?

Is it going to be that routine, that powerful, that necessary?

Nov 19, 2008

What Social Networking Websites are You Using?

If you're a Real Estate Professional and you're reading these words odds are you have some interest in the social networking buzz. For some, the question is as simple as what is social networking? For others, the question becomes how do I use these social networking sites to promote and increase my business?

If you don't have the foggiest clue as to what social networking is, we would urge you to become a member of the Active Rain community (120k plus Real Estate professional members and growing). Your social networking questions will be quickly answered, your haze will fall mercy to clarity, and you will quickly develop a much needed appetite for more.

Currently, our top three social networking websites of choice are Twitter, Active Rain, and MyBlogLog. Our reasoning is simple. Gobs of information (the latest and greatest), the ability to target a captive audience, and unlimited opportunities to promote and brand our message.

What social networking sites are you using and why?

Nov 18, 2008

What`s Your Purpose Here Anyway?

So you're a big social networking guru in the making now. It's hard to image a time when you weren't part of these social networking websites. You're confident because you feel as if you've grabbed a small part of something big getting bigger every day. First floor in an elevator Tweeting messages on your Blackberry all the way to the top. You brag to your cohorts that you have a profile on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, just three of the more well know social networking sites amongst a growing list of countless others.

In your newly found confidence, what's all of this networking "stuff" doing for you? Are you developing relationships and growing your business or are you merely playing in a playground pretending that one day you will make it too?

At the bare minimum, you have to formulate a loose game plan or generate a basic set of guidelines directing your social networking efforts. None of us know exactly what our future holds but there has to be a method to your madness. There has to be a reason why you're using these social networking sites.

It's fun to Tweet your friends letting them know you're watching "Sleepless in Seattle" or writing on someone's "wall" (Facebook tool for those of you still learning) letting them know you have a date this weekend but, and a very big BUT, you must not forget the reason in which you use these tools ... or perhaps these are the reasons.

Are they or do you have a bigger purpose here?

Nov 17, 2008

Are You on Twitter?

If you're on Twitter, drop us a comment leaving your profile page in our "comments" section in order for us to follow you. We will be compiling this list and re-posting your addresses to share with other like-minded social networking twittering professionals.

Do us all a favor, Tweet the message along (copy below):

The Realty Buzz Twitter list for RE Professionals. Comment on blog to join -

Follow the Real Estate professional Twitter list (updates continue, last updated @ 1:45AM PST 8/31/2010):

  1. Thesa Chambers -
  2. Property Qwest -
  3. Joel McDonald -
  4. Derek Forrest -
  5. Marianne Snygg -
  6. Susie Blackmon -
  7. Patrick Riddle -
  8. Craig Ernst -
  9. Malisia Wilkins -
  10. Stuart Miner -
  11. CWaterhouse -
  12. Josef Katz -
  13. mycmps -
  14. Shannon Lefevre -
  15. Lu -
  16. Chris/Stephanie Somers -
  17. Jim Whatley -
  18. Paula Henry -
  19. Susan Milner -
  20. Erin Chappelle -
  21. Jay Thompson -
  22. Bill -
  23. Sandy Gleason -
  24. Kevin O'Brien -
  25. BHGDigital -
  26. John Juarez -
  27. Debra Drummond -
  28. Rita Burke -
  29. Steve Mattison -
  30. Sherry Baker -
  31. Jay Carden -
  32. Tom Royce -
  33. John Corey -
  34. -
  35. Rhonda Duffy -
  36. Knoxville Scott! -
  37. Barbara Inc. -
  38. Dennis P. Fassett -
  39. Amy Tharrington -
  40. Amy Tharrington -
  41. Tina Merritt - 1 -
  42. Tina Merritt - 2 -
  43. Tina Merritt - 3 -
  44. Tony Longo -
  45. Erica Farthing -
  46. John Billings -
  47. Matt Collinge -
  48. Rochelle Ann Allison -
  49. Tim McDonald -
  50. Jan Huchteman -
  51. Ann Cummings -
  52. Dale Chumbley -
  53. Angel Giles -
  54. Katie Minkus -
  55. Pamela Williamson -
  56. Pam Buda -
  57. Jeff Turner -
  58. Dean Guadagni -
  59. Erica Muller -
  60. Jeff Royce -
  61. Mike Mueller -
  62. Tom Vanderwell -
  63. The Harriman Team -
  64. Lauren Krady -
  65. Maureen Francis -
  66. Jason Sandquist -
  67. Matt Wilkins -
  68. Craig Barrett -
  69. Barry Quine -
  70. Julian Benton -
  71. Jennifer Egbert -
  72. Leigh Ann -
  73. Ashley Gephart -
  74. David Childress -
  75. Mark Gordon -
  76. Tony Lazzari -
  77. Nancy Shakeshaft - Slack -
  78. Chris Shouse -
  79. Drew Sygit -
  80. Jim Lee -
  81. REMarketingGuy -
  82. Jeff Kirby -
  83. Ken Cook -
  84. RealEstateRon -
  85. Lee Michael Homes -
  86. Julie Broad -
  87. Emily Medvec -
  88. Jason Crouch -
  89. Amy Chorew -
  90. Todd Tarson -
  91. Mark Madsen -
  92. Brent Ellis -
  93. Chris Myers -
  94. Joyce Corsi Hazen -
  95. Samantha Lorefice -
  96. Joe Manausa -
  97. Linda Slocum -
  98. Lisa Spalding -
  99. Derek Overbey -
  100. Deborah Schultz -
  101. John Whittinghill -
  102. Madeira Homes -

Disclaimer: By no means is this an original post! We're not trying to make it out to be nor attempting to steal credit for being the original real estate tech heads to come up with this idea. With that being said, we're copycatting those who've already done this because it's a great idea and yet another way to network for that next business lead!

If you're reading this post it's most likely because you're interested in Real Estate and the future of this business using these social networking platforms to help us forge our futures.

There's no better time than now to get started!

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